Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hay Look, a Novel

Been a while since I've updated. Luckily, it's been a busy March, and I feel like I've made some good writerly progress during it.

I submitted three things at the end of the month. One was my 2nd quarter WotF submission. Fun little story to write. I'm not entirely sure how it'll do as far as the contest goes, but I'm honestly not stressing it. I know it's a decent piece, and may have a home elsewhere.

I also dug out an old, old story of mine from college, reedited major parts of it, and sent it off to a small press-type anthology. I'm not entirely sure how that piece will do, either, but I'd really love to find a home for it. It was my first fiction piece I wrote after coming out as bisexual, and features an interesting mix of a raw coming out story and an edgy, kinda experimental narrative structure. The narrative structure by itself may make it a hard piece to sell, but eh, I'm gonna try a bit. I have a few other markets in mind, too, if it doesn't fly for this one.

My novel, Captive by the Fog, also finally got finished. Yes, finished. Big news, I know! After a year and a half of randomly chucking it aside, then turning back to it and furiously editing, yet leaving off the end unfinished... I finally finished the dang thing. Luckily, thanks to my half-year spent editing the first three-quarters, it didn't need much polishing after it was complete.

One of the small publishers I've had my eye on held a fiction contest for their LGBT imprint, and that, well, that was the reason I finally buckled down and decided to finish it. I think deadlines are good for me. That really isn't too surprising, though, considering the rate I used to write essays/stories during college... BREAK-NECK LAST MINUTE 3 AM WRITING, GOOOOOO. Sigh. Some things never change!

Anyways, the contest will have two rounds. First round, the public gets to cast votes on our queries. Second round, the five queries with the most votes get to submit their full manuscripts to the editors. Those are judged by the editors, and results are given. The top three get published. I figured what the hell. If anything, it'll give me a good reason to finish the dang thing. And so it did.

Voting is currently underway, and will continue until the end of this week. Feel free to check out my query, the contest, and vote for it here. Thank you so much if you decide to vote!

I have a couple projects in mind for April, too. I kinda like this whole projects with deadlines thing... It's working.